425 Auzerais

425 Auzerais

San Jose, CA

Located at the edge of Downtown San Jose, Auzerais Apartments provide 130 units specifically designed to support homeless or at-risk individuals, families, seniors, and small households. Each window features BŌK Modern bracket-less sunshades, which add a contemporary flair to the building’s architecture. Painted in four elegant colors—Medium Bronze, Water Blue, sparkling Argento, and Dark Bronze—the sunshades create a vibrant contrast against the building’s muted facade. The BŌK Modern bracket-less sunshades seamlessly wrap around the structure with mitered corners, highlighting the clean, sophisticated details of BŌK Modern’s design.

Image courtesy of Architects FORA

OJK Architecture + Planning

General Contractor:
L&D Construction

American Steel & Stairways

Product Types:
Bracketless Sunshades

425 Auzerais

425 Auzerais

425 Auzerais

425 Auzerais


